Friday, November 7, 2014


So I'm going to start a new segment on my blog called #HASHTAGFRIDAY where I look at things that happened in the past week and summarize them with the help of YouTube clips and.......#hastags

#one Tuesday night many things happened.  This sums up how the GOP felt......


#two Taylor Swift decided to take her catalog of music off Spotify.  This is how Spotify feels.......


#three Apparently, Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook thief) had a public Q&A session on Facebook.  I didn't attend, but here's what I think happened


#four My hometown Detroit will soon be emerging from bankruptcy.  If you missed it, here's how they declared it.


#five So one of my favorite people, Ben Carson, is releasing a video soon that most are saying is his entering his hat into the presidential race for 2016.  If he really runs, then this will be my reaction...

For more info on the clip above, see below (CAUTION, two swear words in it)


That's most of the relevant headlines this week.

Have a great weekend everyone and until next time...........Happy Budget, Happy Life


  1. I think it's awesome that I first introduced you to that sterotype.

  2. too funny - probably would even find it more so if I got the whole hashtag thing! lol

    Ben Carson is one of my favorite people as well,

  3. as a self-identifying Republican man...can you give any insight as to your vote in 2008?
